The first meeting of the supporters council will take place at 7pm on Monday 11th September at:
Jack Jones House (Unite the Union Building), 2 Churchill Way, Liverpool, L3 8EG
The council meetings will be members only, so if you would like to attend and aren't currently a member, you can purchase membership here
The agenda will be distributed prior to the event but we are keen to discuss the following areas:
We would like to hear suggestions and matters of interest prior to the meeting, so please send them to
We are also keen to hear from anyone interested in being on the council.
At the inaugural meeting of the Supporters Council today, approximately 15 members were present in a meeting initially chaired by Francis Stanton, in the absence of Company Secretary Peter Furmedge who was away ill.
Member Sarah Comber was nominated and seconded in her absence via her proxy Matthew Comber and stood unopposed and was therefore duly elected to the role of Chair of the Supporters' Council and will take a place on the Board of Directors of COLFC to deal with supporters' issues.
Francis Stanton was then nominated and seconded to act as Secretary of the Supporters' Council.
The Supporters' Council will now convene its own meetings and interact with the Board of Directors via Sarah.
We congratulate Sarah and Francis on thier new roles and wish them good luck in their endeavours and we welcome Sarah on to the Board of Directors of COLFC.
As mandated by the club's AGM in July 2017, the club will form a Supporters Council, that will elect officers including a Chairperson & Secretary from the club's membership, to address issues raised by members and whose Chairperson will take a seat on the club's Board of Directors.
The initial meeting of the Supporters Council will take place on 12th August 2017, at 12pm in the clubroom of the TDP Stadium, Bootle, ahead of our home game against Irlam FC
All members of the club are welcome to attend and take part.
Please note that the bar at Bootle will be open to any paying supporter, so no actual issues / business are to be discussed / raised at the meeting, save for the completion of the only course of business, which is to elect the officers of the Council.
Below are the two foundation documents; The Supporters Council Constitution and The Agenda for the meeting.
The meeting will be chaired by Company Secretary Peter Furmedge (or other such qualified person), but subsequent to the meeting the elected officials will then be responsible for taking the Council forward.